What gift Would make your Holiday Perfect?
-HBK: Lots of Time Off
What's Your One Holiday Wish?
-HBK: That I could spend the next 50 Years with my wife and children,and when I wasn't with them, I could be in a deer stand somewhere.
What was your best Holday Gift from Childhood?
-HBK: My Planet of the Apes dungeon set with the trapped door and a jail. The Planet of the Apes set had the six inch action figures and all that. I had all of them I got that wonderful little dungeon set!
Plus, Pro Wrestling llustrated will be releasing a magazine next week entitled "Greats of the Game" profiling six WWE/TNA wrestlers. Among those featured are Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Randy Orton, Booker T, Samoa Joe and Rey Mysterio. The magazine takes an in-depth look at their careers.