We will be running a poll to determine the Best Entrance Music Ever in the future. We recently asked for nominations from readers. We will be publishing batches of your nominations with some readers making a case for their picks as prepration for our tournament poll.
2. Shawn Michaels: "Sexy Boy"
Next up is another song that has also stood the test of time, and that's Shawn Michael's "Sexy Boy" theme music. He first started using this song in 1992, as Sherri sang the song, but that quickly changed to Shawn singing the song in 1993, and he's used it ever since. It also has some heavy rock beats in it, similar to Hogan's, yet it fits Shawn's persona perfectly. Scott Hall always says to be over in this business, chicks must want to be with you, and guys must want to be you, and this song made Shawn exactly that. Even Ric Flair commented on an interview just a couple months ago, how he loved Shawn's theme song. It's another true classic for sure.(LINK HERE)
You can download Shawn Michaels entrance theme and more absolutely for free HERE
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