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Tuesday, March 31, 2009 —— Comment: Reactions —— Discuss: Forum
Shawn Michaels arrives in a hearse; Shawn Michaels holds a funeral for Undertaker’s undefeated WrestleMania streak; The Phenom emerged and received some Sweet Chin Music from HBK Outside of the arena, a black hearse had been waiting since the start of the show. The WWE Universe was shocked to find out that the hearse did not contain the grim Undertaker, but rather a confident Shawn Michaels, casting an air of uncertainty over the previously announced “Funeral for Mr. WrestleMania.”
When Shawn Michaels came to the ring, it became clear that the “funeral” announced earlier in the night was not for HBK, but rather for the undefeated WrestleMania streak of his opponent, Undertaker. Complete with a casket, roses and images of Michaels defeating The Deadman in their past encounters, the service saw HBK boast of his actions during recent weeks: Kicking Undertaker in the face and trespassing on his hollowed cemetery. The Showstopper announced that he had done all of this without enduring any retribution, and promised that the most memorable moment of the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania would be his victory over The Phenom.
Just then, the arena darkened and a gong rang out, heralding the arrival of Undertaker. When the lights came back up, The Phenom stood in the ring, but Michaels was nowhere to be seen. As The Deadman searched, HBK emerged from under the casket and once again laid Undertaker out with a superkick. (PHOTOS X10|DISCUSS)
Biggest and Loudest Cheers and Pops. HBK Vince/Shane/Orton Cena Lawler
Noteworthy: 1. HBK is too much HOT in black ;). 2. HBK got the biggest and loudest cheers and pops of the night. 3. HBK chants from the live crowd most specially when Shawn hit Sweet Chin Music to Taker during his in-ring promo. 4. Taker is ugly as hell*. 5. HBK will win this sunday!
January 5 - Cameron Cade's (Date of Birth)
March 31 - Shawn and Rebecca's (Wedding Anniversary)
June 16 - Rebecca's (Date of Birth)
July 22 - Shawn's (Date of Birth)
August 19 - Cheyenne Michelle's (Date of Birth)
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